Tuesday, March 18, 2008


Press Release

We are the Indonesians Solidarity for the People of Tibet very much regret the massacre in the Tiananmen field, and the other cases namely the ban of the Christian minority group, the Uyghur Moslem, and the Falun Gong, by the government of China. The people of Tibet currently miss their freedom under the gunpoint of the government of Peoples' Republic of China. Approximately 80 demonstrators were reported killed, the monks and the other civilians are currently live in fear.

We condemn the China authority's brutality by committing a mass killing against the People of Tibet. The Tibetan's struggle over their fundamental rights was not suppose to be responded by gunshots. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights has firmly stated that every person has their freedom to express their opinion. (Article 19) The Republic of China as one of the member of the United Nations and the member of the Security Council, must have been noticed those human rights principles. Thus, the massacre against the people of Tibet who were struggling their rights constitutes genocide.

According to the substance of what the people of Tibet struggle about, by not letting the Olympic held in China, it is the true struggle. The Olympic is supposed to be held by the countries who respect, not only sportivity, but also respect the difference and human fundamental rights. Based on the Olympic charter there are several fundamental rights for which the government of China as the organizer must fulfill. The first principle states that it seeks to create a way of life based on the joy of effort, the educational value of good example and respect for universal fundamental ethical principles. The second states that Olympic has a view of promoting a peaceful society concerned with the preservation of human dignity. The fourth says that sports are a human right and its practice requires mutual understanding, a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play. The fifth rejects discrimination as being incompatible with the Olympic Movement. These are the foundations of the Olympics.

Those basic principle prove that the Republic of China does not deserve the host of the 2008 Olympic. Beside all the past crime committed to human's life, it proves that in nowadays context the genocide is still going on in Tibet and in the mainland of China. Not to mention the China's involvement in the Darfur riot, that made Steven Spielberg resign of being the director in the Olympic opening.

The head of all states around the world should make protest against the policy of the republic of China. The massacre must be ended right now. Otherwise, the human civilization will be disturbed by that inhuman policy. Being silent to the China's Policy is also a violation of Human Rights. Therefore, there is no excuse for the pro-democratic states to be silent. Based on those reasons, the Indonesian Solidarity for the People of Tibet states as follow :

1. to urge the China's government to immediately end its operation to and immediately release all civilians who fought their civil and political rights with no condition
2. to urge the international community namely the Security Council to immediately take a strict measure against the China's position toward the people of Tibet
3. to urge the International Olympic Committee to revoke its mandate against the China's government as the host of the 2008 Olympic
4. to urge the Indonesian government as the part of a non-permanent Security Council and the member of ASEAN to immediately send protest note of the tragedy happening in Tibet
5. to call out the worlds' community to unite and conduct boycott the Olympic that will be held on August, 2008

Jakarta, March 17th, 2008

Hormat kami,

Global Human Rights Effort (GHURE)
Human Rights Working Groups (HRWG)
Komisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS)
Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Jakarta (LBH Jakarta)
Solidaritas Indonesia untuk Falun Gong

Coalition to Investigation the Persecution of Falun Gong Practitioners in China (CIPFG) Region Indonesia

Contact Person:
1. Henny Chen, GHURE (+628551118599)
2. Ali Akbar, HRWG (+6281584141459)
3. Sri Suparyati, Kontras (+628128937025)
4. Asfinawati, LBH Jakarta (+628128218930)
5. Fajar Pratikno, CIPFG (+622171073688)

Office :
d/a Lembaga Bantuan Hukum (LBH) Jakarta
Jl. Diponegoro No. 74 – Mentang Jakatra Pusat
Phone. +6221-3145518 Faxcimili: +6221-3912377

d/a Komisi Untuk Orang Hilang dan Tindak Kekerasan (KontraS)
Jl. Borobudur No. 14 Menteng – Jakarta Pusat
Tlp: 021-3926983, 3928564 | Fax: 021-3926821 | Email: kontras_98@kontras.org

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